Parasite Paradoxa
2023. Guest editor and author of the art magazine Kunstforum International.
Collaboration with Editors Marina Resende & Tonia Andresen.
Title (DE): Parasitäre Paradoxa – Kunst zwischen Anpassung und Widerstand
#parasite #appropriation #writingaspractice #hoaxamagazine
The question of the political effectiveness of art is currently being raised anew. Resistant practices and alternative forms of action are becoming market-compliant products, incorporated into a capitalist machinery and thus depoliticized. In this issue, we explore an artistic production that no longer situates itself in opposition, but instead tests formats and tactics that oscillate between adaptation and disruption – in other words, that act parasitically. The thematic issue has thereby a focus on queer, postcolonial and activist approaches that discuss the parasitic as a possible way out, but also the pitfalls of the concept.
Check it out at the website of Kunstforum International – Parasitäre Paradoxa