my gender stretch

2024. Performance in public space of Bordeaux, 1:30 hours, stretch foil, Bordeaux, FR. 

The performance ‘My Gender Stretch’ attempts to stretch the gender sediments surrounding us in heteronormative society, in which we are both visibly and invisibly entangled in role expectations, ideas of behavior and physical forms of expression, based on society’s interpretation of our gender. 

The artist* – who grew up as a cis man and has been experimenting with gender, its expression and definition since their childhood – deals with the question of how these transparent gender levels, causing tension and constriction when attempting to stretch them, can be dealt with. 

The Cis narrowness is for them entangled in a never-ending interweaving of privileges, violence, oppression and adaptation. For the artist, the stretching is an attempt to deal with gender in a playful way, pursuing the question of how this playful approach is perceived and accepted in public space – who tears, who plays, who destroys or who liberates?

My gender stretch is the Second performance of the project ‘Pas ton Genre’ – with Claire Géhin and part of Resonance / Goethe Institut France and the response to the text „sauver sa peau“

© Cinematographie: Vincent Jondeau, © Fotography: Sandrine Iratcabal