Make-up space

2020 – ongoing. Collective practice. Berlin. GER
Founded in 2020 with Alexander Böckel.

#selforganisation #collectivepractice #subsitance

CONTEXT: Trendy cities like Berlin are less and less a space for bottom-up, independent and noncommercial practice, since the real estate prices, which consolidate in high rents, kick them out of the center. Political spaces, as well as spaces for artistic production or non-institutional spaces have become more and more adapted in the last decade to the cultural hegemony of the German capital.

With make-up, a space for artistic production, experimental showings, neighbors and collective sharing we are trying to resist the general dynamic of artistic individualisation, adaptation or appropriation. As a self funded space, which is possible through collective engagement, a selforganized decision making structure and maintaining the place ourselves we support each other and build up our own ecological system of collective production. This process is accompanied by success and failure – highlights and difficulties, but we are still trying to make independent artistic production and presentation possible. 

As one of the founders of the space one of my beliefs is that we only manage with collective enforcement to resist the dynamic of allover neoliberal domination and that selforganisation is a way of artistic subsistence. A term which comes from the postgrowth theory, but tries to define, how we as subjects can sustain ourselves within communities and besides the market. By engaging with time, emotional bonds, artistic exchange and construction work into the collective place, I sustain myself on different levels as an artist – more independent from the artistic field. -This organisation against financial restraint allows me greater freedom in my search for a personal aesthetical language and radical thinking. This is an important power of collectivity. 

Further information: and updates about the program here at Instagram

Fotos: ©Make-up Team