2023. Film. 6:30 min. Berlin. GER

Operation Himmelblick and Locolor/Gregor Kuhlmann. 

In the increasingly dense modern city, the need for common space is threatened by the race for capitalist profit. Neoliberal governance sees every available plot as a potential investment. Against this backdrop, citizens, associations, activists and artists are organizing to turn certain spaces into socio-cultural, meeting and solidarity spaces. 

Vacant urban rooftops are at the heart of these struggles for space. As the question of their use is likely to become increasingly important in the years ahead, which of these visions will they answer? How can we influence the balance of power and maintain spaces that are not geared to profit, but to local needs? The short film Himmel und Hölle imagines an Office for Non-Profit Roof Affairs, which would define what kind of projects would be allowed to use urban roofs. 

The short film “Heaven & Hell” – produced together with Operation HImmelblick and Locolor, paints an imagination of a different reality. It’s about the city, gentrification and repurposing of public spaces. Looking forward to the next screening.

An office for uses (Büro für gemeinnützige Dachangelegenheiten) has opened on a roof and offers access to one of the last fallow areas – the roofs. This office also has limited options and asks for every customer its own oracle whether a usage request is successful (Veil of Ignorance – John Rawls).

Depending on the result, the person in the office hands over a key and thus enables access to the roofs. 

Link to Video coming soon.