2017. Performance. WIK Kollektiv. Tuning Fair Friedrichshafen. GER
#objectification #selling_driver #representation #mens_perspective #sexism

CONTEXT: We intervened with a performance and choreography at the award ceremony of the second biggest Tuning Fair in Europe which uses women’s bodies to drive sales for their marketing strategies.
Process of performance: Four naked people entered the stage at the award ceremony of the European Tuning Showdown of the Tuning World Bodensee. Black, darkened motorcycle helmets allows their individuality to disappear. Subjects become objects. Squeezed into black high heels they stretched and posed in front of the prize-winning pimped cars.
Their naked bodies become the canvas – not for product advertising – but for their own message and choreography. The inscriptions “I pimp your product“ and “Sexism Sells“ written on their naked bodies refer to the advertising practices of the Tuning World Bodensee.
Gender plays no role in the performers and they do not correspond to the beauty ideals shown otherwise.
Südkurier: Nackter Kunstprotest gegen Sexismus auf der Tuning Fair.
VOL: Nackter Protest auf der Tuning World.
Schwäbische Zeitung: Kunstprotest auf der Tuning World.
Photos: © Lena Reiner © Gianni Seufert