2023. Collective rooftop activation. Citti Point Berlin. GER
Realized with the collective Operation Himmelblick.
Funded by Berlin Senate. 

#rooftop #social practice #wideviewforall #reclaimprivilidgespace

CONTEXT: Over 4 years ago, we as a collective, Operation Himmelblick, became aware of the niche of roof areas as non-commercial, designable open spaces. Since then, we have been working on activating these open spaces for artistic and public use. To do this, we use roof spaces in a neighborly and cultural way, initiate the urban political discourse about vision for everyone and pass on our knowledge to initiatives and students.

The “Office for Non-Profit Roof Affairs” opened an office on a parking garage roof in Berlin Wedding for 10 days, which attracted around 3,000 people to the roof over the 10 days. In the form of a “Open Roof” , local associations and collectives could apply to use the roof for their activities (dance workshop, boxing class…).

During the 10 days, the symbolic and privileged place of Being Above (Being Above) was opened up to urban society. There was a rooftop folk kitchen, concerts, the film premiere of “Heaven and Hell”, as well as a rooftop tourand a Späti party! We also invited collectives active in Marseille ((Marseille Solutions, non-profit urbanism agency activating roofs in Marseille) and London (Bold Tendencies, cultural space using his wide roof as an extension of it) for a public discussion,

Our aim is to enable quality and diversity – both at the top and across the board and we keep following the question: How can we try to make roofs accessible for all?

Further information: Operation Himmelblick


tagesspiegel: Movie nights, dinners and parties Rooftop terrace for all opens in Berlin-Wedding. 09/2023. 

Weddingweiser: Operation Himmelblick opens rooftops for everyone: Wedding topless, 08/2023.

Tagesspiegel: Dachterrasse für alle öffnet in Berlin-Wedding. 08/2023.

Polis Magazine: Operation Himmelblick, Pioneers on the roof. 05/2023. 

Baunetz: Interview about the use of roof surfaces. 04/2023. 

Photos by Johannes Rau.