2020. Public Performance. Chicago. USA.
A collaboration with Maria Plotnikova, Siomon Whiteley-Allen and William Zeng.

#corona #physical_distancing #COVID-19 #emptyspace #stayathome #social_distancing

CONTEXT: In downtown Chicago, 9 hours before the shutdown due to the COVID-19 crisis.

This is an artistic reaction to  the ‘social distancing’ rule during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the paradoxical idea of ‘if you care — stay away’  arose due to the new circumstances. After communities all over the globe urgently adopted ‘social distancing’ as a new recommended behavior, all social rules have dramatically transformed: it became polite and thoughtful not to get close, not to engage with each other—to generally stay away from everyone not to harm. Each human became a potential source of danger for one’s health. This piece is a reflection on new behavioral patterns, an attempt to adopt them, to sense them through our bodies.

Camera: © Ryan Greenlee

Foto: © Zoe Minzenberger