A lot of my projects, works and interventions are produced in collaborations, or as a collective.
I love the power, intelligence, dissent and creativity of collectivity and I am convinced it´is an important way of gaining resilience and resistance against hegemonial positions embedded in society. Therefore I am deeply grateful for all the people I am allowed to work with. Thank you!
Operation Himmelblick
“Operation Himmelblick” wants to transform a Berlin prefabricated roof (Plattenbaudach) into an open space. This should offer space for different, as yet unimagined, socio-cultural and everyday uses. In the densely populated city, a new oasis of encounter and get-together will emerge, which operates independently of commercial use and is open to the immediate neighborhood, interested parties and residents! At the moment we are looking for a prefabricated building with potential for the construction of a roof terrace that gives a clear view of the sky.
Make-up is a selforganized non-profit space for artistic and cultural production in Berlin-Reinickendorf. Come and visit us!
Urbane Liga
The Urban League is an alliance of young, committed city-makers who want to be actively involved in the design of their cities. The Urban League is a project hub, think tank and learning platform for unconventional participation formats.
It is connected to the german ministry of interior, building and community and frequent hearings are taking place, where the Urban League presents its suggestions to the state secretary.
Kollektiv Raumstation
Kollektiv Raumstation (space station) is a source of impulse for questioning, mediating, enlivening, playing with the urban space and making it a place for exchange and shared experiences.
We work with experimental methods, artistic-activist interventions and activating processes. The focus is on the role of the residents – as everyday experts, as addressees and starting points for changes.
Stadt von Unten
The initiative “City from below” evolved out of the neighbourhood fighting against gentrification and sell out of the working and living spaces.
We work on basic and concrete models that can create and secure affordable living space in the long term and at the same time open up new real imaginations.
Based on our experience in urban policy practice in Berlin, since 2014 we fought against privatization. Since then we have been working on a prototype for urban development with a long-term perspective from below – for a tenant city, developed by the tenants: Self organized and communal.
Die Blaue Blume e.V.
The Blue Flower (Blaue Blume) is a non-profit cultural project and experimental living community. It offers a platform, which supplies different possibilities for interested people to organize events in order of their interests and needs. Also there are some frequent formats, like repair cafés, urban gardening, neighborhood meetings, etc., to invite people, bring them together and to sensibilize on emancipatory topics.
The Blaue Blume has also a history of urban politics and squatted different plots within Friedrichshafen until it arrived at their current place. It was also engaged in the founding of a new party to support a shift in the local politics.
Arterias Urbanas
Artistic Collective – based in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Since its foundation around 10 years ago, it’s building up a strong network of cultural alternative actors. One of our main objective is to decentralize the culture and to reach out to the periferic neighbourhoods.
We work interdisciplinary and built up a strong net of local artists and social practitioners as well as international collaborations.
We test the boundaries of institutional and DIY-artistic production and fight for a better standing and valuation of the artistic and social production in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
WIK Kollektiv
An collectives of performance art, which stays anonymous and realizes interventions on the edge of legality.
We are always open for new members and ideas about interventions which embrace a counter-hegemonic perspective and practice. Reach out to us under