hol dir deine eigenfläche!

2022. Conceptual work. Museum Worpswede. GER

#whitecubeforrent #whoownsthemuseum #privateproperty #pimpyourCV

The term “white cube” describes the concept of exhibiting art in supposedly neutral white spaces. An exhibition concept that has become a veritable ideology of art presentation and is both omnipresent and controversial. With the institutional critique of the 1970s, the presentation of modern art in “white cubes” and the associated interpretative sovereignty of museums over what is art and what is not was also critically questioned. By making museum space available and configurable for everyone the project interrupts the logic of exclusivity, which is essential for the white cube.

Take museum space on lease and use it as you see fit: whether as storage space, co-working space, studio or exhibition space (if you are interested please follow this link: eigenfläche.de).

13.5 m2 of museum space are at your disposal to fill with your stuff or your content and present it to the public.  From June to November 2022, you can secure museum space for a competitive price per m2, and curate the exhibition yourself. Thus the market, not the museum, decides what is on display. 

For this period, enjoy rights close to private property and do what you always wanted to do on a museum space. 

Further Information: eigenfläche.de or Worpsweder Museen


Weser Kurier: Kreative Ideen erwünscht. 06/2022.

Hamme Report: „Parasiten“ befallen Museum. 06/2022.

Anzeiger: Parasitäre Kunst im Museum – Erster Mieter eingezogen. 06/2022.

Anzeiger: Parasitäre Kunst – Künstler vermietet Museumsraum. 05/2022.

Fotos: Courtesy of the artist.